Social Justice Humanitas Academy Home

About Us

The Social Justice Humanities Academy at the Cesar Chavez Learning Academies was designed and founded by teachers as a community school in 2011. SJ Humanitas strives to be a school that brings together community resources, incorporates collaborative structures, and supports students on their pathways to postsecondary success and self-actualization.

Our Mission

Our mission is to achieve social justice through the development of the complete individual. In doing so, we increase our students’ social capital and their humanity while creating a school worthy of our own children.

News & Announcements

We Are One

The LAUSD 2025: We Are One initiative has released its Informational Resource Guide for Students and Families. @LASchools is committed to informing our community about their rights, thinking of immigrant, LGTBQ+ and all families. Download your copy at Click here for link

Estamos Unidos

LAUSD 2025: Estamos Unidos ha lanzado su Guía de Recursos Informativos para Estudiantes y Familias. @LASchools está comprometido a informar a nuestra comunidad sobre sus derechos, pensando en las familias inmigrantes, LGTBQ+ y todas las familias. Visita:



Time: 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM
Location: 114
Ready For The World
Student athletic team and coaches

Student Athletics

Homepage Video